torsdag 18 mars 2010

Camels, museums or my own store?

I've got a lot to think about these days. What job do I want? What kind of work do I want to do? Of course I still want to photograph and make movies about wildlife but I simply can't do that if I don't have any cash or equipment. It's so frustrating!

I've found a place near were I live where they have camels and llamas. I've worked with llamas during my highschool years but never in my life have I been near a camel. I did send them an e-mail a while ago, but they didn't answer.

And then there's the museum. It's about 60 swedish miles away from where I live now, it's located in my home county Wermland<3. Yes, I do smileys every now and then. I love history and this museum got lots of it. It specializes in the history in Wermland, the people who lived there and still do.

And there's is this third thing. My own store. Lately I've been almost terrorised by the thought of having my own store. My mother think it's a bad idea, she says I don't have the money and so forth. But if I remember right, when a new company/store opens they get an allowance or contribution from the state. But that's if I remeber right. I so hope I remember right!

So.... this is what I go through during my days. Decision Agony!

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